[[Future of Media Art and Computer Entertainment]]

- Registration fees
-- Q: Are there any kind of fees involved in participating in this public event? Do we need to pay WTC or rent tables etc from them ?
-- A: No. They will take entrance fee from audience and this will cover
some part of equipment (the space, tables, chairs, partitions) for demo. ACE2012 will also support. So, if you don't register ACE2012 yet, please register to ACE2012.

--Q:How far is WTC from the conference venue ?
--A: 2.2km, 15min by car. We will provide transportation service on your request. Please check 
--A: 2.7km, 15min by car. We will provide transportation service on your request. Please check 
[[Google Map:https://maps.google.co.jp/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=27.6982474,85.2915367+to:Kathmandu+World+Trade+Center,+Kathmandu,+Central+Region,+Nepal&geocode=FbarpgEdWnIVBQ%3BFUekpgEdEHIVBSl3leVMZxjrOTEa5bI0RdFCmQ%3BFS-UpgEdBcgVBSmNuwuyUhjrOTEM0ZAj2G5w3Q&sll=27.698709,85.294043&sspn=0.006051,0.009645&vpsrc=0&t=h&hl=en&brcurrent=3,0x0:0x0,0&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=17&via=1&ie=UTF8&z=17]].

-Running time
--Q:Participation in WTC show would only be Friday? The form stipulates Fri and Sat.
--A: The show will run both Friday and Saturday. Saturday evening is
Creative Showcase of ACE (All participant of ACE move to WTC). During
conference time on Saturday you may ask volunteers to show your demo
instead of you.

-Closing and tear down time
--Q:When will the show close on Saturday ?
--A:All participants of ACE2012 will move to WTC for Creative Showcase around 3 p.m. Then, the showcase will close and down at 6. We will be in time for the reception of ACE2012.

- Customs clearance